A  Healthy Business Begins With 
A Strong and  Effective Business Plan 



Use this e-workbook to analyse , assess and plan out the most important foundations of a healthy spiritual business.

Work out your financial start up and running costs, ongoing marketing costs, your ideal audience, niche productor service and so much more.

"Analyse, assess and plan for a healthy successful business"

The contents of this worbook download include

This e-workbook contains 13 pages of questions to help you analyse, assess and plan a healthy and sustainable spiritual business plan. Help you identify any obvious risks and specific business unique selling points. 

Business Mission, Ethics & Value

Business Vision

Your Target Audience

Market Assessment and  Research

Choosing a Nice

Lead Magnets

Sales Funnel

Capital Start Up Cost

Social Media Marketing

Business On-Going Costs

Business Start Up Workbook For Healers, Therapists and Coaches

Use this business start-up workbook for spiritual entrepreneurs to plan out, create and grow a healthy spiritual business

An all in one business start up and marketing plan e-workbook for holistic and spiritual business start-up's

Course Curriculum

Eileen Burns 

Healer, Soul Purpose Coach, Spiritual Business & Marketing Mentor 

Eileen is a highly dedicated and experienced healer,
coach, therapist teacher and spiritual business mentor.

She has been studying in the holistic
and spiritual field for over 30 years.

And has student and client of with some of the most powerful
and inspiring healers and spiritual teachers around the world/

She LOVES helping healers, lightworkers and starseeds awaken
to more of their gifts and build a more soul-aligned business
 around their life and soul purpose.

Using more spiritual and archetypal strategies
in business and marketing.0

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