Your 5 Pillars Of
Spiritual Business Success

For Spiritual Entrepreneurs who want to build a more soul-aligned healthy and successful spiritual business on their strongest foundations

5 Pillars of Spiritual Business Success

Every Successful Holistic And Spiritual Business Is Built On The Right Foundations

Foundations that are aligned with you and your unique business.

Unhealthy and unsustainable businesses often waste months, years
focusing on the wrong areas in their business

STOP wasting time on the wrong business model for you

STOP wasting money on the wrong ideal audience

STOP wasting energy on the wrong priorities

ELIMINATE chronic stress, exhaustion and overwhelm

Learn the 5 key foundations of a healthy sustainable business.
The key components of building a business around 
your gifts and areas of expertise.

Identify what your uniquely tailored 
pillars should look like.


"This is a fantastic course, and is very easily digestible. Eileen breaks the content down into manageable chunks, so you get LOADS of valuable information but it is delivered in
 a way that doesn't feel overwhelming or give you that sense of 'information overload'.
This is really practical, useable business advice from a lady who really knows her stuff."

Jen Harle
Reiki Master & Teacher

Course Curriculum

Eileen Burns 

Healer, Soul Purpose Coach, Spiritual Business Strategist 

Eileen is a highly dedicated and experienced healer,
coach, therapist teacher and spiritual business mentor.
Who has been studying in the holistic and spiritual
field for over 30 years.

She LOVES helping healers, lightworkers, spiritual business owners
build a more soul-aligned business around their life and soul purpose.

Using more soul-aligned spiritual and archetypal strategies in business and marketing.

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Jen Harle

5 pillars of Spiritual Business course

This is a fantastic course, and is very easily digestible. Eileen breaks the content down into manageable chunks, so you get LOADS of valuable information but it is delivered in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming or give you that sense of 'information overload'. This is really practical, useable business advice from a lady who really knows her stuff.

4 years ago
Kendi Kimaita

5 pillars of Spiritual Business Success Review

This course offered by Eileen Burns is simple, quick and very insightful. I found it interesting because the pillars shared apply to other business fields outside the healing, therapy field. I particularly learnt about building a sustainable business model, how to target your soul clients and turning them into actual customers in order to generate revenue. It was enjoyable and I look forward to doing more of her courses.

4 years ago