Healers, Coaches Let's Help You Create A
Soul-Aligned Brand & Marketing Strategy

Want To Stand Out Online?

Would you like to make an impact, attract soul clients in the online world in a more powerful yet spiritual way?

The Spiritual Brand Strategy6 is a 2 x 1 hour one to one sessions with Eileen, where she will help you plan out and create a more spiritually aligned brand that stands out from the crowd in a deeply authentic way.

Using a combination of spiritual marketing and archetypal branding strategies.

Soul-Aligned Branding Strategy

A soul-aligned branding and marketing strategy  is an amazing way to plan a brand that will attract and nurture those soul clients.      

It helps you unlock the essence and identity of your spiritual business,  through your brand's dominant archetype and business's soul essence.  

With the help of spiritual psychology  and therapeutic use of colour, imagery, textures, and words we will explore together how to energetically put your business's energetic blueprint into your business brand.

Bonuses Included

Spiritual Brand Quiz - Access your top 2 dominant Spiritual Brand Archetypes & Brand Reports

Access to your top 1 dominant brand archetype spiritual materclass worth over £111

Creating the right spiritual brand is not just about showing up
or choosing the right colours, fonts or logos, 
it is so much more.

Special Offer Today
offer ends Feb 7th 2023  rrp £400

Eileen Burns 

Soul Purpose & Spiritual Marketing Coach,
Stress Management Expert and Healer 

Eileen is a highly dedicated and experienced healer,
coach, teacher and spiritual business mentor.
She has been studying in the holistic and spiritual field
 for over 30 years.

I LOVE helping healers and spiritual entrepreneurs build
 a business around their life anf soul purpose

Happy Client 
Dominant Spiritual Brand Masterclass

"EXCELLENT Course.  Great information.

Great Teacher!  I highly recommend this course for anyone.  

"I know nothing about archetypes. Actually, I have been so  confused by this topic that I avoided it altogether until I took Eileen Burns  'Spiritual Business Brand Archetype Quiz and Masterclass'  ...the results was very interesting and enlightening.  

It all began to make sense on how I could align my brand message  with my ideal clients by identifying my Dominant Archetype/s in my  marketing -thus expressing myself in the world in a sincere way  of who I wished to work with.

   This helped me learn as Eileen put it 'that you can't  be all things to everyone' and that who you attract depends  on the energy of your message.  Discovering Archetypes is the key to  connecting with myself and clients' long term.  

I enjoyed listening to Eileen Burns' step by step course and found  it to be an interesting and informative course... any thoughtful person prepared to examine themselves honestly  will benefit from this work..."   

Odette Garvey
Mindfulness Coach & Relaxation Therapist