Learn How To Stand Out From The Crowd

Unlock The Power Of Your Spiritual Brand Archetype

Thursday, 27 October 2022
07:00 PM BST


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Let's Build A Really Deep Connection With Your Audience

Help them feel, see, hear and sense

the power of your prducts and services

What You Will Learn In This Masterclass

Your Top 2 Spiritual Business Brand Archetypes

The Unconscious Energy Of Your Brand

The type of images you should be using on your social media, blogs and websites

 Your Brands Biggest Selling Points 

Your brand archetype core values

The words you should and shouldn't use in your brand

As a healer and high consumer of holistic and spiritual products
 and services for over 30 years.

I understand so well how much your
 spiritual business is unique, is different.

How you like every spiritual entrepreneur have
different core values, beliefs and ethics.

How you all have your own unique purpose,
your unique soul clients.

You are never just a healer, teacher,
 coach or therapist.

And all have different levels of expertise,
levels of awakening,
levels of consciousness,

which most marketing coaches and mentors
even brand strategists rarely understand.

That is why I decided to create this brand new live
masterclass to accompany my own

Spiritual Brand Archetype Quiz
for the healer, spiritual coach, spiritual teacher,
therapist and conscious creator.

Which you will be getting free access
to a few days before this session.

This is a Spiritual Brand Archetype Quiz and Course
specifically aimed at the soul-aligned
holistic and spiritual entrepreneur.

Join me Thur 27th October 7 -9pm

1/2 Price Offer on this session

Investment £44

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